Folklore Tourism


Somi Tree, situated in Bairhatta at Harirampur is considered as one of the rarest trees of the world.  Not only that according to Mahabharata, the Pandavas after completing their exile of 12 years were very much worried about successful ending of the last year when they had to remain incognito. They came to Birat Kingdom (from where the name Bairhatta derived) and kept their weapons on this tree to suppress their real identity. 

                                                   FOUR PILLARS OF BANGAR

According to the mythological tales Bangarh was the capital city of the king Bana. His daughter, Usha got married with Aniruddha, the grandson of Lord Krishna. It is regarded as the canopied place where the marriage ceremony took place.


  1. Excellent. But mention the con side. Mention the general views of botanists. This controversy shrouding the tree qualifies it for folklore tourism.

  2. There are other areas as well. 1)Four pillars of Bangarh, the marriage courtyard of Usha, the daughter of Bana Asur with Lord Krishna's grandson Aniruddha, 2)Birthplace of the world's greatest playwright and court-poet Kalidasa, 3)The backdrop of the Behula- Lakhindar folklore,4)Bidyeswari- Ekanna pith lore (Can also qualify for religious tourism),5) The place of "sadhana" of Vajrajani Buddhists, etc.

  3. thnx siya kumar for liking our blog. we all need your cooperation and advice to make it more informative.
